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Nuclear expansion for South Africa? March 31, 2010

Posted by Andreas in Uncategorized.
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What are the issues around nuclear power?
Is it the only solution to the energy crisis?
What are the possible environmental impacts?
Are there health risks?

Peter Becker of the Koeberg Alert Alliance will address these questions during lunchtime at

Idasa’s new Democracy Centre and bookshop 6 Spin Street, Cape Town.

Wednesday 31st March 1pm -1:30pm
Wednesday 7th April 1pm-1:30pm

Following on from this there will be evening screenings
Uranium Road
Wednesday 31st March 5:30 for 6pm
Buried in Earthskin
Wednesday 7th April 5:30 for 6pm

RSVP: Andreas at 021 467 7606/084 772 1056/aspath@idasa.org.za

The Cove March 17, 2010

Posted by Andreas in Uncategorized.
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This year’s Oscar-winning feature documentary, The Cove, an astonishing film that exposes the bloody truth behind the worldwide trade in dolphins will be shown at the Labia on Orange cinema in Cape Town on Sunday 28 March at 8:30pm, on Monday 29 March at 6:15pm and on Tuesday 30 March at 6:15pm.

The Cove is a remarkable documentary that follows the brave exploits of American activist Richard O’Barry as he tries to blow the lid of the bloody international trade in dolphins by exposing what happens in a tiny cove near the Japanese town of Taiji. O’Barry himself was once a prominent figure in the very industry he now fights. He captured and trained the five dolphins involved in the making of the popular TV series Flipper.

Using a crack team of freedivers, surveillance experts, scientists and special effects wizards, The Cove, which has been described as an “eco-thriller”, will entertain you as much as it’s guaranteed to shock and infuriate you. The film was beautifully shot and directed by renowned photographer Louie Psihoyos. It has caused an uproar around the globe, including in Japan itself, and has already made an invaluable contribution to putting an end to the barbaric practices it unveils. A must-see!

The screenings will be followed by a facilitated audience discussion. Tickets are R20 and can be reserved by calling The Labia at 021 424 5927. Reserving tickets is strongly recommended to avoid disappointment.

This event is presented by The Labia and While You Were Sleeping, a Cape Town-based non-profit film collective committed to bringing progressive documentaries with important social, political and environmental messages to South African audiences.


The Labia:

021 424 5927


While You Were Sleeping:

Andreas Späth

084 772 1056
